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Stone cross spearhead, arrowhead as seen in picture, 4" inch hand knapped spearhead replica,reproduction (WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET) This spearhead can be wire wraped for a wallhanging to be able to display this pretty arrowhead spearhead cross for you or friends and family to see all the time instead of hiding it in a draw.This is high quality real stone, Jasper hand knapped stone. Great for display add to your collection collections or maybe for that spot that needs a little something." class="pin-it-button" count-layout="horizontal">Pin It
4" inch stone cross spearhead hand knapped arrowhead to hang on a wall This is a beautiful cross spearhead arrowhead has pretty markings.would make a good addition to your home, office, cabin or even a weekend getaway.Paper weight for your office desk or put picture frame
Stone cross spearhead, arrowhead as seen in picture, 4" inch hand knapped spearhead replica,reproduction (WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET) This spearhead can be wire wraped for a wallhanging to be able to display this pretty arrowhead spearhead cross for you or friends and family to see all the time instead of hiding it in a draw.This is high quality real stone, Jasper hand knapped stone. Great for display add to your collection collections or maybe for that spot that needs a little something.